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Instructions: Clicking on the section name will show / hide the section.
- 1
2 September - 8 September
Read the material about how to start conversation and how to give opinion.
If there is a question related to the topic, please ask me !
- 2
9 September - 15 September
Perkuliahan Sesi 2 (OnLine)
- Read the module !
- If there is a question, please ask me !
- 3
16 September - 22 September
Perkuliahan Sesi 3 (OnLine)
Read the module.
- If there is a question, you can ask me !
- 4
23 September - 29 September
Perkuliahan Sesi 4 (OnLine )
Read the module !
If there is a question, you can ask me !
- 5
30 September - 6 October
Perkuliahan Sesi 5 (OnLine)
Read the module !
If there is a question, you can ask me
- 6
7 October - 13 October
Perkuliahan Sesi 6 (OnLine)
Read the module
- 7
14 October - 20 October
Perkuliahan Sesi 7 (OnLine)
Read the module !
If there is a question, you can ask me !
- 8
21 October - 27 October
- 9
28 October - 3 November
Ujian Tengah Semester /UTS - 10
4 November - 10 November
Perkuliahan Sesi 8 (OnLine)
Read this module !
If there is a question, you can ask me.
- 11
11 November - 17 November
Perkuliahan Sesi 9 (OnLine)
Read this module !
If there is a question, you can ask me !
- 12
18 November - 24 November
Perkuliahan Sesi 10 (OnLine)
Read this module !
If there is a question, you can ask me !
If there is a question, you can ask me.
- 13
25 November - 1 December
Perkuliahan Sesi 11 (OnLine)
Read this module !
If there is a question, you can ask me !
- 14
2 December - 8 December
Perkuliahan Sesi 12 (OnLine)
Read the module !
If there is a question, you can ask me !
- 15
9 December - 15 December
Perkuliahan Sesi 13 (OnLine)
Read this module !
If there is a question, you can ask me.
- 16
16 December - 22 December
Perkuliahan Sesi 14 (OnLine)
Read this module !
If there is a question, you can ask me.
- 17
23 December - 29 December
LIBUR Hari Raya Natal dan Tahun Baru - 18
30 December - 5 January
LIBUR Hari Raya Natal dan Tahun Baru - 19
6 January - 12 January
Ujian Akhir Semester /UAS - 20
13 January - 19 January
Ujian Akhir Semester /UAS